Adding Services

You'll probably want to create your own services to modularize certain aspects of your own project. For example, if your application needs to interact with some third-party API like Google Maps, you might create a MapBuilder class that encapsulates all of that functionality. This is a cleaner and more manageable alternative to simply stuffing all of your code directly into your controller classes.

If you want to use a single instance of MapBuilder throughout your application, you'll probably end up defining it as a service. To do this, you'll need to create a new MapBuilderService class in your site sprinkle and register it in your Sprinkle Recipe.

You can actually create one big service provider for all your services, but it's best to create different provider classes for each service. This makes it easier to test and debug each of your services. It also makes things easier if you need to extend or disable a service in another sprinkle down the road. With this setup, each service resides in its own provider class instead of the global ServiceProvider class. For example :

└── src
    └── ServicesProvider
        ├── GenericServices.php
        ├── MapBuilderService.php
        └── FooService.php

Create your service

First, we'll create the service class. This class must implement the UserFrosting\ServicesProvider\ServicesProviderInterface interface. It must contain the register method, which returns an array of service definitions.



namespace UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\ServicesProvider;

use UserFrosting\ServicesProvider\ServicesProviderInterface;
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\GoogleMaps\MapBuilder;

 * MapBuilder service.
 * Registers:
 *  - \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\GoogleMaps\MapBuilder
class MapBuilderService implements ServicesProviderInterface
   public function register(): array
        return [
            MapBuilder::class => function () {
                // Do what you need before building the object

                // Now, actually build the object
                $mapBuilder = new MapBuilder(...);

                return $mapBuilder;

You'll notice that we've added use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\GoogleMaps\MapBuilder; to the top of the file. This means that we don't have to use the fully qualified class name (with the entire namespace) every time we want to refer to the MapBuilder class.

Register your service

The next step is to tell UserFrosting to load your service in your Sprinkle Recipe. To do so, you only need to list all the service providers you want to automatically register inside the $getServices property of your sprinkle class :

app/src/MyApp.php :


namespace UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site;

use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\ServicesProvider\MapBuilderService;
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\ServicesProvider\FooService;
use UserFrosting\System\Sprinkle\Sprinkle;

class MyApp implements SprinkleRecipe
    // ...

    public function getServices(): array
        return [

    // ...

That's it! Behind the scenes, UserFrosting will register every definition from each service provider with the DI container, following the sprinkle dependency tree during the application lifecycle.