
Within each sprinkle, you will find any or all of the following directories and files:

├── assets
├── config
├── locale
├── migrations
├── routes
├── schema
├── src
├── templates
├── composer.json
├── bundle.config.json
└── bower.json

Each of these directories corresponds to specific types of entities that make up your application. UserFrosting has different rules for how each type of entity can extend the entities of the same type loaded in previous Sprinkles.


The composer.json file is primarily used in UserFrosting to map a Sprinkles classes, but as this is Composer, it can also be used to reference additional PHP libraries.

The master composer.json file in /app will automatically merge the composer.json file for every Sprinkle when performing:

$ composer update

The master composer.json file will load all child composer.json files, even in Sprinkles that haven't been loaded in your site's index.php. To change this behavior, you will need to modify the master composer.json file.


The bundle.config.json file is used for defining asset bundles, that can be referenced by templates. The advantage of using asset bundles (as compared to referencing the specific files) is that multiple files can be quickly referenced, and when it comes to deployment, the bundles have their individual files merged, reducing the number of individual asset requests, and thus reducing server load. See section 5.2 for more information about asset bundles.


The bower.json file is used for easily retrieving vendor assets from the package management system, like Bootstrap. Vendor assets specified in bower.json will be downloaded to the Sprinkle's /assets/vendor directory.

To download vendor assets, from the /build directory:

$ npm run uf-assets-install


The assets directory contains all of the Javascript, CSS, images, and other static content for your site. See section 5.2 for more information about asset management and usage.


config contains the configuration parameters for your Sprinkle. A UserFrosting configuration file is nothing more than a PHP script that returns an associative array. For example:


    // default.php

    return [
        'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
        'site' => [
            'title'     =>      'Owl Fancy',
            'author'    =>      'David Attenborough'

In each Sprinkle, you can specify multiple config files for different environment modes. UserFrosting will start by loading the array of configuration values from the default.php config file in the core Sprinkle.

Next, it will check the UF_MODE environment variable to see if an environment mode has been set (this can be set either directly in your operating system's environment variables, or in the /app/.env file.) If UF_MODE has been set, it will look for a configuration file of the same name in the core sprinkle and recursively merge that array into the default configuration array.

For example, if UF_MODE="development", then it will look for a development.php configuration file. The array it returns will be recusively merged into the array from default.php, replacing any keys that are the same. So for example, if I have:


    // development.php

    return [
        'site' => [
            'title'     =>      'Save the Kakapo',
            'twitter'   =>      '@savethekakapo'    

The resulting configuration array created by UserFrosting will look like:

        'timezone' => 'America/New_York',
        'site' => [
            'title'     =>      'Save the Kakapo',
            'author'    =>      'David Attenborough',
            'twitter'   =>      '@savethekakapo'            

UserFrosting will repeat these steps for any subsequently loaded Sprinkles, recursively merging in each file.

To summarize, Sprinkle configuration files are loaded using the following algorithm:

  1. Load the core default.php configuration file;
  2. Recursively merge in the core configuration file for the environment mode, if set;
  3. Move on to the next Sprinkle;
  4. Recursively merge in the default.php configuration file from the current Sprinkle;
  5. Recursively merge in the configuration file for the environment mode, if set, from the current Sprinkle;
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for all remaining Sprinkles to be loaded.

Use environment variables to easily set the appropriate configuration parameters for different environments. In addition to setting the UF_MODE environment variable to select different configuration files, you can assign sensitive information like database passwords and API keys directly to environment variables, and then reference them in your configuration files using getenv().

See the Twelve-Factor App for more information on why this is a good idea.


The locale directory contains translation files for your Sprinkle. Like configuration files, translation files simply return an associative array.

Just as with configuration files, UserFrosting will recursively merge translation files for the currently selected language(s) from each loaded Sprinkle. This means that each subsequently loaded Sprinkle can override translations from previous Sprinkles, or define new ones entirely.

See Section 5.3 for more information on UserFrosting's internationalization and localization system.


The migrations directory contains database migration scripts for your Sprinkle. See Chapter 6 for more information on using migrations.


Files in the routes directory should contain the Slim front controller routes for your Sprinkle. For example, if your website was, then the URL at would be defined in a route file as:

$app->get('/supplies/preening', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\MySprinkle\Controller\MySprinkleController:pagePreening');

As with configuration and translation files, route files can override routes from previous Sprinkles in addition to defining new ones.

Learn more about routes and controllers in Chapter 4.

You may have as many route files as you'd like in a Sprinkle. Within each Sprinkle, route files are loaded in alphabetical order, so in general it is not a good idea to override a route in the same Sprinkle in which it was originally defined.


schema contains the validation schema for your Sprinkle. Schema files must be overridden in their entirety; to extend a schema file in a previously loaded Sprinkle, you must redefine the entire schema.


src contains the (preferably) PSR-4 compatible PHP code for your Sprinkle.

As mentioned in the introduction, UserFrosting uses a master composer.json file to automatically merge the composer.json files in each Sprinkle. Each Sprinkle, in turn, is responsible for defining its third-party package dependencies, as well as the PSR-4 base namespace for the Sprinkle.

In general, the convention is to map \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\<Sprinkle name> as the base namespace for the \src directory. For example, the directory /app/sprinkles/mysprinkle/src/Controller/OwlController.php would be mapped to the fully qualified class name \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\MySprinkle\Controller\OwlController.

Initialization class

At the base level of each Sprinkle, you may optionally define an initialization class. The name of the class should be the same as the name of the Sprinkle directory, but in StudlyCaps.

The initialization class must implement the \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Core\Initialize\Sprinkle abstract class, in particular, the init method. UserFrosting's Sprinkle Manager will automatically run the code in init when it loads the Sprinkle. For example, the Account Sprinkle's initialization class looks like this:

namespace UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account;

use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\ServicesProvider\AccountServicesProvider;
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Core\Initialize\Sprinkle;

class Account extends Sprinkle
     * Register Account services.
    public function init()
        $serviceProvider = new AccountServicesProvider();

In general, a Sprinkle's initialization class should not need to do much more beyond registering your Sprinkle's service provider class.

Extending classes

Extending PHP classes is a little different from extending other types of entities. You cannot simply replace a class by redefining it in a custom Sprinkle. In fact, classes with the same name in two different Sprinkles would be treated as two different fully-qualified classes. For example, if I loaded the Sprinkles Account and Site, and I had the following structure:

├── account
│   └── src
│      └── Model
│           └── User.php
└── site
    └── src
        └── Model
            └── User.php

then User.php in site would not override User.php in account. Rather, I'd have two different classes: \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\User and \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Model\User.

To actually override and replace the functionality of a class, we have two tools available:

Class Inheritance

We could, for example, define our User class in the site Sprinkle to inherit from the User class in account using the extends keyword:


/* /app/sprinkles/site/src/Model/User.php */

namespace \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Model;

class User extends \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\User



Now, we can start using \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Model\User to extend the functionality provided by the User class in the Account sprinkle.

Dynamic Class Mapper

Of course, the limitations of object-oriented inheritance becomes clear when you want to change the behavior of the original class in other places where it has been used. For example, if I extended Account\Model\User and redefined the onLogin method in my Site\Model\User class, this would let me use Site\Model\User going forward in any code I write in the site Sprinkle. However, it wouldn't affect references to User in the account Sprinkle - they would still be referring to the base class.

To allow this sort of "retroactive extendability", UserFrosting introduces another layer of abstraction - the class mapper. The class mapper resolves generic class identifiers to specific class names at runtime. Rather than hardcoding references to Account\Model\User, Sprinkles can generically reference user through the class mapper, and it will find the most recently mapped version of that class.

For example, a controller in the account Sprinkle could do something like:

$user = $classMapper->staticMethod('user', 'where', 'email', '[email protected]')->first();

The account Sprinkle itself maps the user identifier to UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\User. Thus, this call would be equivalent to:

$user = \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\User::where('email', '[email protected]')->first();

However, if I later re-map the user identifier to \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Model\User, then all calls to $classMapper->staticMethod('user', ...) in any Sprinkle will dynamically resolve to \UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Model\User instead.

Dynamic class mappings are typically defined by extending the classMapper service in your Sprinkle's service provider:

    /* /app/sprinkles/account/src/ServicesProvider/AccountServicesProvider.php */

    $container->extend('classMapper', function ($classMapper, $c) {
        $classMapper->setClassMapping('user', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\User');
        $classMapper->setClassMapping('group', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\Group');
        $classMapper->setClassMapping('role', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\Role');
        $classMapper->setClassMapping('permission', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\Permission');
        $classMapper->setClassMapping('activity', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Account\Model\Activity');
        return $classMapper;

You can learn more about services in Chapter 7.


To separate content and logic, UserFrosting uses the popular Twig templating engine. Since Twig has its own system for loading templates, UserFrosting builds upon this to allow overriding templates in Sprinkles.

UserFrosting's Sprinkle Manager will automatically add the path to each Sprinkle's /template directory in Twig's file loader. Twig will search for template files starting with the most recently loaded Sprinkle, falling back to previously loaded Sprinkles until it finds a match.

To completely override a template in a Sprinkle, simply redefine it with the same name and relative path in your Sprinkle:


{% extends "layouts/guest.html.twig" %}

{% set page_active = "about" %}

{# Overrides blocks in head of base template #}
{% block page_title %}About{% endblock %}

{% block page_description %}All about my UserFrosting website.{% endblock %}

{% block body_matter %}
    <!-- Page Heading/Breadcrumbs -->
    <div class="row">


{% endblock %}


{% extends "layouts/guest.html.twig" %}

{% set page_active = "about" %}

{# Overrides blocks in head of base template #}
{% block page_title %}About{% endblock %}

{% block page_description %} - history, facts, and fiction.{% endblock %}

{% block body_matter %}
    Owl Fancy was founded in 1943 in response to an owl shortage both domestically and abroad.  Civilians across the globe were asked to contribute their owls towards the war effort, resulting in large-scale deowlment throughout the countryside.  Exploding vole populations were...

{% endblock %}

Then, if we had the following code in a controller:

    return $this->ci->view->render($response, 'pages/about.html.twig');

Twig would resolve to the pages/about.html.twig file in the site Sprinkle's template directory, since site is loaded after core.

In general, the templates directory for a Sprinkle is structured as follows:

├── components
├── layouts
├── mail
└── pages

components contains partial HTML and Javascript templates, such as forms, tables, navigation bars, and other commonly reused components. layouts contains parent templates meant to be extended (using Twig's extend feature). These layouts can be used within the same Sprinkle in which they were defined, or in another loaded Sprinkle. mail contains email templates - see Chapter 11.1 for more information.

pages should contain templates that correspond to specific pages in your application. For example, the main content template for might be located at pages/supplies/preening.html.twig.