The Mailer Service


Once you have selected a mail service provider, you can configure your host, username, and password in your environment variables (or .env file):

Varible Description
SMTP_HOST Your mail host (e.g.,
SMTP_USER Your account username (e.g., [email protected])
SMTP_PASSWORD Your account password

For more advanced configuration, you can override the mail configuration values in your site sprinkle configuration :

'mail'    => [
    'mailer'          => 'smtp', // Set to one of 'smtp', 'mail', 'qmail', 'sendmail'
    'host'            => getenv('SMTP_HOST') ?: null,
    'port'            => 587,
    'auth'            => true,
    'secure'          => 'tls', // Enable TLS encryption. Set to `tls`, `ssl` or `false` (to disabled)
    'username'        => getenv('SMTP_USER') ?: null,
    'password'        => getenv('SMTP_PASSWORD') ?: null,
    'smtp_debug'      => 4,
    'message_options' => [
        'CharSet'   => 'UTF-8',
        'isHtml'    => true,
        'Timeout'   => 15,

The smtp_debug setting determines the verbosity of logs that are sent to your mail.log:

Value Description
0 No output
1 Commands
2 Data and commands
3 As 2 plus connection status
4 (default) Low-level data output

Creating messages

To create a new email message, create a new template in your Sprinkle's templates/mail/ directory:


{% block subject %}
    Please confirm your owl {{}}
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
    Dear {{user.first_name}},
    Your owl has been accepted.  Please use the link to verify your relationship with this owl:
    <a href="{{site.uri.public}}/account/owls/{{}}/verify?token={{new_owl.token}}">
    With regards,<br>
    The {{site.title}} Team
{% endblock %}

You'll notice that the message contains two separate blocks for the subject and body of your message.

To load your message in your controllers, create a new TwigMailMessage object:

use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Core\Mail\EmailRecipient;
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Core\Mail\TwigMailMessage;


$message = new TwigMailMessage($this->ci->view, "mail/confirm-owl.html.twig");

Senders, recipients, and customized content

To set the From field for your message, simply call the from method on your message, passing in an array containing email, name, and optionally, reply_email and reply_name values:

    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'name' => 'The Owl Fancy Team'

If you don't set reply_email and reply_name, email and name will be used.

You can add one or more recipients by creating a new EmailRecipient object and passing it into the addEmailRecipient method:

    new EmailRecipient($user->email, $user->full_name)

You can call the cc and bcc methods on your new EmailRecipient object to add CC and BCC fields for the recipient.

$recipient = new EmailRecipient($user->email, $user->full_name);
$recipient->cc('[email protected]', 'Owl Lover');
$recipient->bcc('[email protected]', 'Hawk Fancier');

You can set recipient-specific Twig parameters by passing in an array to the last parameter of the EmailRecipient constructor:

    new EmailRecipient($user1->email, $user1->full_name, [
        'new_owl' => $user1->newOwl
    new EmailRecipient($user2->email, $user2->full_name, [
        'new_owl' => $user2->newOwl

Alternatively, you can use the addParams method to pass in common Twig parameters for all recipients:

    'time' => Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')

All methods for TwigMailMessage can be fluently chained together into a single statement.

Sending your message

To actually send your message, pass your TwigMailMessage into the sendDistinct method of your mailer service:


sendDistinct will send a separate email to each recipient, passing in any custom data that was defined in the EmailRecipient constructor. If you are trying to send a single message to a list of recipients, just use send instead. Note that in the case of send, any recipient-specific Twig parameters will be ignored.

By default, sendDistinct and send will clear the list of recipients from your message object after successfully sending. To prevent this from happening (for example, if you want to send the message again), you can set the second parameter of either of these methods to true.

Error handling

If a problem arises while attempting to send a message, a phpmailerException will be thrown. By default, this exception is caught by the Error/Handler/PhpMailerExceptionHandler (defined in the core Sprinkle). Of course, you can define your own exception handler instead.