Twig Filters and Functions


You can perform permission checks in your Twig templates using the checkAccess helper function. This is useful when you want to render a portion of a page's content conditioned on whether or not a user has a certain permission. For example, this can be used to hide a navigation menu item for pages that the current user does not have access to:

{% if checkAccess('uri_users') %}
    <a href="{% urlFor('uri_users') %}"><i class="fa fa-user fa-fw"></i> {{ translate("USER", 2) }}</a>
{% endif %}



{{ translate("ACCOUNT_USER_CHAR_LIMIT", {min: 4, max: 200}) }}


You can use urlFor in your Twig templates to get the URL for a named route. This Twig function is simply mapped to the Slim routeParser urlFor(string $routeName, array $data, array $queryParams): string instance method.

    <a href="{{ urlFor('awesome-owls' )}}">Owls</a>

Extending Twig Extensions

The view service loads UserFrosting's Twig extensions to expose additional functions, filters, and variables in our templates. If we want to define more global Twig variables in our site Sprinkle, we can create a new Twig extension and then add it to our view service by extending it in our service provider class. An extension which adds globals like this must also implement Twig's GlobalsInterface.

First, create your new Twig extension class in src/Twig/Extension.php:


namespace UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Twig;

use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\Extension\GlobalsInterface;
use UserFrosting\Config\Config;

class Extension extends AbstractExtension implements GlobalsInterface
     * Inject required services.
     * @param Config $config The config service
    public function __construct(
        protected Config $config,
    ) {

     * Adds Twig global variables `site`.
     * @return mixed[]
    public function getGlobals(): array
        return [
            'owls' => $this->config->get('owls'),

Now, back in your Sprinkle Recipe, we can register the Extension class, via the TwigExtensionRecipe sub-recipe.


namespace UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site;

// ...
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Core\Sprinkle\Recipe\TwigExtensionRecipe; // <-- Add this
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Site\Twig\Extension; // <-- Add this
// ...

class Core implements
    TwigExtensionRecipe, // <-- Add this
    // ...

    public function getTwigExtensions(): array
        return [

    // ...