Default Tables

When you install UserFrosting with the Bakery CLI, a number of tables will automatically added to your database. These tables are required for UserFrosting's built-in features, such as user accounts, request throttling, persistent sessions, and access control.

The migrations for most tables can be found in the src/Database/Migrations directory of the Sprinkle that depends on it. The exceptions are the system tables, which are located in app/system/Database/Migrations.

System tables


The migrations table is responsible for maintaining a history of the migrations run by the installer. In general, you shouldn't need to interact with this table in your own code.

Column Type Description
id autoincrement int The unique identifier for the record.
sprinkle string(255) The name of the Sprinkle to which this migration belongs.
migration string(255) The fully qualified namespace+class name of the migration.
batch int A counter that groups migrations that were run together in a single instance of the migrate command. Each run of migrate increments this counter.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.

Core tables

The core Sprinkle depends on the following tables:


This is an optional table, and is only used if you are using the database session driver.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
user_id unsigned int For compatibility with Laravel session drivers only.
ip_address string(45) For compatibility with Laravel session drivers only.
user_agent text For compatibility with Laravel session drivers only.
payload text The base-64 encoded contents of the session.
last_activity integer The time when the session was last written.


This table stores a history of requests to throttled endpoints.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
type string(255) The throttled event type.
ip string(255) The IP address of the requester.
request_data text Additional request data to compare when using the data throttling method.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.

Account tables

The account Sprinkle depends on the following tables:


This table contains records for each user.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the user.
user_name string(50) A unique text identifier for the user. Only [a-zA-Z0-9_-] characters are allowed.
email string(255) The email address of the user. Must be unique.
first_name string(20) The user's first name. Optional.
last_name string(30) The user's last name. Optional.
locale string(10) The language and locale to use for this user.
theme string(100) The user theme (not yet fully implemented).
group_id unsigned int The id of the user's group.
flag_verified bool Set to 1 if the user has verified their account via email, 0 otherwise.
flag_enabled bool Set to 1 if the user account is currently enabled, 0 otherwise. Disabled accounts cannot be logged in to, but they retain all of their data and settings.
last_activity_id unsigned int The id of the last activity performed by this user.
password string(255) The hashed password (including the salt and cost function identifier) of the user.
deleted_at timestamp The time when this record was deleted (when using soft deletes).
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table contains user roles.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
slug string(255) A unique text identifier for the role, to be used in URLs and other programmatic contexts. Only [a-zA-Z0-9_-] characters are allowed.
name string(255) Name of the role. Any characters can be used.
description text A brief description of the role and its purpose.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table contains user permissions.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
slug string(255) The referencing identifier for the permission. Does not need to be unique. Only [a-zA-Z0-9_] characters are allowed.
name string(255) Name of the permission. Any characters can be used.
conditions text The conditions on which this permission should be evaluated.
description text A brief description of the permission and its purpose.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table serves as the default storage method for user activity logs.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
user_id unsigned int The user_id of the user who completed this activity.
ip_address string(45) The IP address of the user when they completed this activity.
type string(255) An identifier used to track the type of activity.
occurred_at timestamp The time when the activity was completed.
description text A description of the activity.


This table contains records for each user group.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
slug string(255) A unique text identifier for the group, to be used in URLs and other programmatic contexts. Only [a-zA-Z0-9_-] characters are allowed.
name string(255) Name of the group. Any characters can be used.
description text A brief description of the group and its purpose.
icon string(100) CSS classes identifying the icon to represent users in this group. For example, fa fa-user.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table contains records for each password reset request that is issued.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
user_id unsigned int The user_id of the user who requested the password reset.
hash string(255) The secret token, emailed to the user, that they must present to complete the reset.
completed bool Flags whether or not the reset was completed successfully.
expires_at timestamp The time when this request will expire, after which the user will need to submit a new request.
completed_at timestamp The time when this request was completed.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table contains records for new account verification tokens.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
user_id unsigned int The user_id of the user to be verified.
hash string(255) The secret token, emailed to the user, that they must present to complete the verification.
completed bool Flags whether or not the verification was completed successfully.
expires_at timestamp The time when this request will expire, after which the user will need to resend the verification request.
completed_at timestamp The time when this request was completed.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table stores records for recreating expired user sessions from a "Remember me" token.

Column Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the record.
user_id unsigned int The user_id of the user to be persistently authenticated.
token string(40) The token that the user must present to recreate their session.
persistent_token bool The series identifier for the user's persistent session.
expires_at timestamp The time when the persistent session will expire, and the user will have to reauthenticate.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table maps users to roles.

Column Type Description
user_id unsigned int The user_id of the user to be associated with the role.
role_id unsigned int The role_id of the role to be associated with the user.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.


This table maps roles to permissions.

Column Type Description
role_id unsigned int The role_id of the role to be associated with the permission.
permission_id unsigned int The permission_id of the permission to be associated with the role.
created_at timestamp The time when this record was created.
updated_at timestamp The time when this record was last updated.