
Most CSS and Javascript resources should be integrated into your pages through entrypoints. Entrypoints defines groups of assets for which UserFrosting can automatically render <link> or <script> tags in your pages.


Webpack is a module bundler, which means that you can import other JavaScript files. A single javascript file can require all of the dependencies we needs (e.g. jQuery or React), including any CSS, in a single place. You can see this with a JavaScript require (or import) statement :


// ------ Import Base Theme ------

Encore's job (via Webpack) is simple: to read and follow all of the import/require statements and create one final main.js (and main.css) that contains everything you need.

Encore may split the end result into multiple files for performance (using split chunks feature), but all of that code is still downloaded on every page if you were to include the main.js file.

What if we have some extra JavaScript or CSS (e.g. for performance) that we only want to include on certain pages? The solution is to create page-specific JavaScript or CSS (e.g. checkout, account, etc.). To handle this, create a new "entry" JavaScript file for each page:


// custom code for your checkout page


// custom code for your account page

The shared resources (e.g. template resources) can be loaded on every page along side any page or feature specific entries.

Defining entries

Now that the "entry" files have been created, we need to register them with Encore as entrypoints. Entrypoints are configured in /webpack.entries.js by default.

Entrypoints can also be defined in /webpack.config.js directly. However, UserFrosting defines them in a separate file, as it's easier to include other sprinkles entries.


const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
    'main': path.resolve(__dirname), './app/assets/main.js',
    'page.checkout': path.resolve(__dirname), './app/assets/checkout.js',
    'page.account': path.resolve(__dirname), './app/assets/account.js',

This tells Encore to load the app/assets/main.js file (for example) and follow all of the require() statements. It will then package everything together and - thanks to the first main argument - output final public/assets/main.js and public/assets/main.css files.

Sprinkle's overriding properties also applies to the entries themselves. In other words, naming an entry page.account in your own sprinkle will replace the one defined in the account sprinkle with yours, for example. In the process, it will probably break core user management functionality. In general, be careful to provide your entries with a unique name to avoid difficult to diagnose runtime errors.

Rendering entrypoints

To render an entry on a page, simply use the encore_entry_script_tags() (Javascript) and encore_entry_link_tags() (CSS) Twig helpers:

{{ encore_entry_script_tags('main') }}

UserFrosting will automatically generate the <script> tags for Javascript bundles, or <link> tags for CSS bundles, when it renders the template:

<script src="/assets/app.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/runtime.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/vendors-node_modules_jquery_dist_jquery_js.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/vendors-node_modules_moment_locale_af_js-node_modules_moment_locale_ar-dz_js-node_modules_mom-248d90.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/vendors-node_modules_theme-adminlte_app_assets_main_js.js"></script>

Template blocks for bundles

You can use the encore_entry_script_tags() and encore_entry_link_tags() helpers anywhere in a Twig template, of course, but best practice dictates that CSS links should go in the <head> element of your page, and Javascript tags should go just at the end of your <body> element.

To facilitate placement of CSS and Javascript tags, the base abstract template pages/abstract/base.html.twig defines a number of template blocks and content files. For CSS, these blocks are:

{% block stylesheets %}
    {# Override this file in a child sprinkle to override site-level stylesheets. #}
    {% include 'content/stylesheets_site.html.twig' %}

    {# Override this block in a child layout template or page template to specify or override stylesheets for groups of similar pages. #}
    {% block stylesheets_page_group %}{% endblock %}

    {# Override this block in a child layout template or page template to specify or override page-level stylesheets. #}
    {% block stylesheets_page %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

Similarly, for Javascript assets, we have:

{% block scripts %}
    {# Inject PHP Defined Configuration #}
    {% include "pages/partials/config.js.twig" %}

    {# Override this file in a child sprinkle to override site-level scripts. #}
    {% include 'content/scripts_site.html.twig' %}

    {# Override this block in a child layout template or page template to specify or override scripts for groups of similar pages. #}
    {% block scripts_page_group %}{% endblock %}

    {# Override this block in a child layout template or page template to specify or override page-level scripts. #}
    {% block scripts_page %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

The main idea is for each page to include no more than three different bundles of each type - a sitewide bundle, containing assets that every page on your site uses; a page group bundle, to share assets among sets of similar pages; and a page-specific bundle, for assets that are specific enough to only be needed on one page.

The content/scripts_site.html.twig and content/stylesheets_site.html.twig pages contains the {% block scripts_site %}{% endblock %} and {% block stylesheets_site %}{% endblock %} blocks respectively. A content file is used here, as it's easier for Sprinkles to overwrite this smaller file, than the whole base layout.