
For page loads, as well as requests made by most of UserFrosting's client-side components, alerts are automatically fetched from the alert stream and rendered for you. However, sometimes you will make your own custom AJAX requests that need to manually fetch and render alerts after the request is complete. To do this, you may create your own instance of the ufAlerts plugin.


To initialize the ufAlerts plugin, simply call .ufAlerts() on the target element where alerts will be displayed. For example, you can do this in the .fail() callback for an AJAX request in jQuery:

    type: 'POST',
    url: site.uri.public + '/api/owls',
    data: {
        species: 'Bubo'
}).fail(function (jqXHR) {
    // Display errors on failure
    var debugAjax = (typeof site !== "undefined") && site.debug.ajax;

    if (debugAjax && jqXHR.responseText) {
    } else {
        // Destroy any previous instance
        // Create new instance of ufAlerts

The fetch method will retrieve any alerts that were added to the message stream, via the /alerts route. The render method will then display them in the element that you initialized ufAlerts on.


Methods can be called after initialization by passing the method name as a string to subsequent calls of ufAlerts:

$(el).ufAlerts('<method name>');


Fetch alerts from the message stream resource url.


Render all alert messages in the initialized element.

Alerts are rendered using a custom Handlebars template. The default template is located in core/templates/pages/partials/alerts.html.twig, and uses Bootstrap 3's alert component to render each message. This partial template is automatically included in the core/templates/pages/abstract/base.html.twig template, in the uf_alerts_template block.

If you wish you may include your own custom Handlebars template instead, overriding the uf_alerts_template block and and specifying its id with the alertTemplateId option when you initialize ufAlerts.


This method allows you to add additional alert messages in your client-side code. They will be rendered just like any messages that were retrieved with fetch the next time render is called:

$("#alerts-page").ufAlerts('push', 'danger', 'You messed up!').ufAlerts('render');


This method clears the internally loaded collection of alerts, as well as their rendered HTML from the initialized element:



Destroy the ufAlerts instance on a DOM element:




The absolute URL from which to fetch flash alerts. Defaults to site.uri.public + '/alerts'.


Whether to automatically scroll back to the top of the page after rendering alerts. Defaults to true.


Whether to automatically scroll back to the top of the page even if the alerts are already visible in the current viewport. Only used when scrollToTop is true. Defaults to false.


Set to true to render all alerts in a single bulleted list (ul/li), applying styling based on the highest-priority alert being rendered. Defaults to false.


The CSS class(es) to be applied to each alert message. Defaults to uf-alert-message.


The id of the Handlebars alert template to use when rendering alerts. Defaults to uf-alert-template.