Built-in Commands

UserFrosting's CLI, or Command-line Interface, is called the Bakery. It provides a number of helpful commands that can assist you while you build, manage and install your application. To view a list of all available Bakery commands, you may use the list command from your UserFrosting root directory:

$ php bakery list

Every command also includes a "help" screen which displays and describes the command's available arguments and options. To view a help screen, simply precede the name of the command with help:

$ php bakery help [command]

General help can also be displayed by running:

$ php bakery help

Available commands


Bake is the general installation command. It combines setup, debug, migrate, create-admin and build-assets into a single command:

$ php bakery bake

This command should be executed every time you run composer update, change assets, create a new sprinkle or install a community sprinkle.


The debug command will run a series of tests to make sure everything is ready to run UserFrosting on your system. If you have trouble accessing your UserFrosting installation, you should run this command first to make sure basic requirements are met.

The information displayed by this command can also be useful to other people when asking for help and submitting new issues on Github.

$ php bakery debug


The setup:db command can be used to setup the database configuration. This configuration will be saved in the app/.env file. This can also be done manually by editing the app/.env file or using global server environment variables. See Environment Variables for more information about these variables.

$ php bakery setup:db

Options can also be used to defined each info individually in a non-interactive way :

Option Description
db_driver The database driver ["mysql","pgsql","sqlsrv","sqlite"]
db_name The database name
db_host The database hostname
db_port The database port
db_user The database user
db_password The database password

Example usage :

php bakery setup:db --db_driver=mysql --db_name=userfrosting --db_port=3306 --db_host=localhost --db_user=userfrosting --db_password=secret


The setup:smtp command can be used to setup the outgoing email configuration. Different setup method can be selected to guide you into configuring outgoing email support. This configuration will be saved in the app/.env file.

As with the database setup, this can also be done manually by editing the app/.env file or using global server environment variables. See Environment Variables for more information about these variables.

$ php bakery setup:smtp

Options can also be used to defined each info individually in a non-interactive way. When using one or more option, the "SMTP Server" method will automatically be selected.

Option Description
smtp_host The SMTP server hostname
smtp_user The SMTP server user
smtp_password The SMTP server password


The setup:env command can be used to select the desired Environment Mode. The default choices are production and default. A custom value can also be defined.

As with the database and outgoing email setup, this can also be done manually by editing the app/.env file or using global server environment variables. See Environment Variables for more information about these variables.

$ php bakery setup:env
Option Description
mode The environment to use

Example usage :

php bakery setup:env --mode=production


The setup command combines the setup:db, setup:smtp and setup:env commands.

$ php bakery setup


The create-admin command is used to create the root user. This command will self-abort if the root user already exists.


The build-assets command is an alias for the node.js and npm scripts used for asset management. The /build directory contains the scripts and configuration files required to download Javascript, CSS, and other assets used by UserFrosting. This command will install Gulp, Bower and other required npm packages locally. With npm set up with all of its required packages, it can be used to automatically download and install the assets in the correct directories.

See the Asset Management chapter for more information about asset bundles and the compile option.

$ php bakery build-assets
Option Description
-c, --compile Compile the assets and asset bundles for production environment
-f, --force Force fresh install by deleting cached data and installed assets

The compile option is automatically added when the environment mode is set to production.


Database migrations have the potential to destroy data. Always back up production databases, and databases with important data, before running migrations on them.

The migrate command runs all the pending database migrations. Migrations consist of special PHP classes used to manipulate the database structure and data, creating new tables or modifying existing ones. UserFrosting comes with a handful of migrations to create the default tables. The built-in migrations also handle the changes in the database between versions. See the Migrations section for more information about migrations.

$ php bakery migrate
Option Description
-p, --pretend Run migrations in "dry run" mode

The pretend option can be used to test migrations. Use -vvv to also display the underlying SQL queries:

$ php bakery migrate --pretend -vvv


The migrate:rollback command allows you to cancel, or rollback, the last migration operation. For example, if something went wrong with the last migration operation or if you made a mistake in your migration definition, you can use that command to undo it.

Note that migrations are run in batches. For example, when running the migrate command, if 4 classes (or migration definitions) are executed, all 4 definitions will be reverted when rolling back the last migration operation.

Options can also be used to rollback more than one migration at a time or to rollback migrations from a specific sprinkle.

$ php bakery migrate:rollback
Option Description
-s, --steps=STEPS Number of steps to rollback [default: 1]
--sprinkle=SPRINKLE The sprinkle to rollback [default: ""]
-p, --pretend Run migrations in "dry run" mode


The migrate:reset command is the same as the rollback command, but it will revert every migration. Without options, this is the same as wiping the database to a clean state. Use this command with caution!.

The --sprinkle= option can also be used to reset only migrations from a specific sprinkle.

$ php bakery migrate:reset
Option Description
--sprinkle=SPRINKLE The sprinkle to rollback [default: ""]
-p, --pretend Run migrations in "dry run" mode


The migrate:refresh command will rollback the last migration operation and execute it again. This is the same as executing migrate:rollback and then migrate.

$ php bakery migrate:refresh
Option Description
-s, --steps=STEPS Number of steps to rollback [default: 1]
--sprinkle=SPRINKLE The sprinkle to rollback [default: ""]
-p, --pretend Run migrations in "dry run" mode


The clear-cache command takes care of deleting all the cached data. See Chapter 16 for more information.

$ php bakery clear-cache

You might need to run this command as administrator or using sudo to avoid file permission issues when using the file cache store.


The test command is used to execute PHPUnit tests. See the Automated Testing section for more information.

$ php bakery test

UserFrosting's built-in integration tests use a temporary in-memory SQLite database. For testing to run successfully, you must have the php-sqlite3 package installed and enabled. Alternatively, you can create a separate testing database and override the test_integration database settings in the testing.php environment mode.


Display the list of all registered routes.

$ php bakery route:list

This command was introduced in version 4.1.20